Jug shakers glazed sky blue

Jug shakers glazed dusty rose

Jug shakers glazed sivlersage

Jug shakers glazed onyx black

Jug shakers glazed Osage brown

Jug shakers glazed ivory


Jug shakers glazed prairie green

Jug shakers glazed royal blue

Jug shakers glazed rosetone

Jug shakers glazed sky blue

Jug shakers glazed white sand

A group of jugs

Jug Shakers #10H: 1942

The #10H Jug shakers are by far the most plentiful of any of the shapes that were produced in the 1942 era.  Notwithstanding that most of the pairs the collector will encounter are prairie green, these Jugs are available in a wide range of glazes making the type very collectible.

The “standard” hole pattern seems to be S5/P6 with the “S” being not very true.  Others have a S5/P5 arranged in a simple “x” pattern.  I have encountered only two sets of these with the incised Frankoma mark with oval “o”, the dusty rose pair and one of the prairie green pairs shown below.   The shape provides very little room for marking so the marks are not full.

A most interesting mark is on the sky blue set shown here.  Theses are both hand incised before firing with the mold number “303”.  About 1942 with the push to produce dinnerware Frankoma standardized the marking of salt and pepper shakers using the “H” with a mold number to identify them.  Frankoma labeled this design “10H”.

The sky blue set is apparently a very early set which Frankoma assigned a number simply because it was available.  The “303” mold number was used for a candleholder from 1936-1938 and later again for a cactus candleholder in 1949.  In the early forties, however, the number was available for use.  At least for a short time Frankoma used it on what they offered in the 1942 catalog as “10-H Jug salt and pepper”!